Mr. Reynolds had a four year history of worsening abdominal pain. He had a 40 lbs. weight loss over a three month period prior to presenting it to the ER. Doctors found him to have a severe hypokalemia and a 6.5 cm necrotic mass arising from his colon. He immediately had a sub-total abdominal colectomy, partial gastrectomy, distal pancreatectomy, splenectomy, left adrenalectomy J-tube, end ileostomy and a small bowel resection with primary anastomosis. This was a major surgical intervention done to keep Mr. Reynolds alive.
When he was admitted to PAM Specialty Hospital of San Antonio, he was unable to perform self-care tasks and didn’t have any basic mobility. He had severe pain and weakness, constant shortness of breath and a large abdominal surgical would that was in poor condition. The wound was draining and on the verge of completely dehiscing.
Thanks to the stellar medical team at PAM of San Antonio, as well as his supportive wife, Mr. Reynolds is now walking close to 1,000 ft. with a walker at standby level of assistance needed. He is going up and down a flight of stairs, able to groom and perform self-care activities. His abdominal wound is sealed and has healed 50%. He used to struggle with even basic tasks due to orthostatic hypotension and shortness of breath. He is now thrilled with his ability to utilize the exercise machines easily and without rest breaks in the therapy gym.
Mr. Reynolds is successfully going home with his loving wife. We will miss this amazing couple, but the medical team at PAM Specialty Hospital are so very proud of the dedication he gave each day and the outstanding progress made.