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Robert McDonald: Therapeutic Wound Care

Director of Physical Therapy Daniel Ramsey with Mr. McDonald.

Reason for Admission: Wound care, medical management

Length of Stay: 32 days

Discharge Location: Home 

Hospital: PAM Health Specialty Hospital of Shreveport

Mr. Robert McDonald went to the hospital for a routine procedure; however, one week after his stay, he found himself septic and in critical condition. He was rushed back to the hospital and underwent a five-hour surgery.  As a result, he had a fist-sized wound to his midline abdomen.

To help reduce his chances for readmission, Mr. McDonald was admitted to PAM Health Specialty Hospital of Shreveport for aggressive wound care, close medical management, and interdisciplinary therapy. Although Mr. McDonald’s journey began with uncertainty and a multitude of complications, ended with him being able to stand and walk again before returning safely to his home with his family.  A family friend of Mr. McDonald commented, “You all saved his life.”

Goals achieved:

  • Returning home
  • Being able to stand
  • Walking

Thank you for trusting us with your care, Mr. McDonald!  

Pictured above, left to right:  Director of Physical Therapy Daniel Ramsey with Mr. McDonald.