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Knowing the Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

alzheimer's and brain awareness month

As we continue through Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Awareness Month, we want to talk about recognizing some of the early signs of Alzheimer’s. At PAM Health, we want to keep you informed about Alzheimer’s Disease and maintaining health for the brain.

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According to, here are 10 early signs that may help your awareness:

  • Difficulty remembering recent things – Forgetting dates and events, or even asking for the same information over and over, and possibly relying on friends or family to help you with reminders.
  • Struggling to plan or to solve problems – Having difficulty monitoring monthly bills or even solve simple math problems. Sometimes taking longer to do these things are clues to a greater issue.
  • Losing track of dates, times or even seasons – Sometimes sufferers of Alzheimer’s only understand the here and now, rather than specific time frames.
  • Forgetting where they are or how they got there – This can be a dangerous symptom, as sufferers lose track of time and space. This is one of the factors of them potentially getting lost or wandering away.
  • Misplacing things – Putting items in unusual places and being unable to remember where they put them, or losing the ability to retrace steps to logically find the lost item, or sometimes worse, they may accuse others (even family members) of stealing.
Elderly woman with glasses and a younger woman looking through a family photo album together, smiling and reminiscing near a sunlit window
  • Conversation struggles – Challenges with vocabulary or even calling things by the wrong name, and possibly the inability to follow or join a conversation and repeating the same stories.
  • Poor decision making – Displaying poor judgment with money or frivolously giving it away. Sometimes routine grooming habits begin to fade.
  • Mood and personality changes – Alzheimer’s Disease can cause anxiety, confusion, depression or even suspicion. Sufferers may become upset more easily, especially when away from their familiar confines. Even failing to complete work assignments, giving up hobbies or avoiding social situations are symptoms as well.
  • Vision problems – Difficulty identifying colors or contrasts, and even judging distance and depth, along with troubles reading can be evident. Poor driving may result from these factors and can cause dangerous situations.
  • Trouble completing familiar tasks – This can be as simple as having trouble driving to a familiar place, forgetting how to cook a simple meal or even not remembering the rules to a favorite game.

There are benefits to early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. As Alzheimer’s currently has no cure, an early diagnosis means early treatment. That can increase a person’s chances of maintaining independence for as long as possible. It also allows for preparation and planning for their future.

The Alzheimer’s Association says that Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging. It impairs intellectual abilities and memory enough to interfere with daily life and it accounts for over half of all dementia cases.

Compassionate young woman holding the arm of an elderly woman, offering comfort and support in a bright, home-like setting


PAM Health urges you to be aware of these symptoms and educate yourself with all the facts and myths about Alzheimer’s so you can be prepared and take action by seeing your physician for assistance in diagnosis. Knowledge is so important when it comes to personal health. Join us throughout June to recognize Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Awareness Month to promote better health and precaution.

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