Comprehensive Inpatient and Outpatient Care in Wausau, WI
Location: 1111 Westwood Drive, Wausau, WI 54401
Main: 715-952-1029
Main Fax: 534-220-5552
Admissions: 715-907-8374
Admissions Fax: 715-907-8848
Outpatient: 715-907-8448
Outpatient Fax: 715-907-8369

Hospital Information
& Amenities

40 Patient Beds

All-Private Rooms

Free Parking

Bariatric Rooms

Breakfast 8-10 | Lunch 11:30-13:30

Family Suites

Interpretive Services

Outdoor Therapy Garden

Outdoor Walking Paths

Pet Visitation

Public Cafe

Virtual Visits (FaceTime with ipad)

Visiting hours: 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
The button below displays our standard hospital pricing and the prices paid by many insurance companies. It also allows you to comparison-shop among hospitals in this community for selected services. These prices do not show what you may be expected to pay after insurance. For further information regarding your insurance coverage, please contact our Admissions Department or your employer’s Benefits Department.
Financial Assistance
For questions regarding financial assistance at PAM Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Wausau, please contact Admissions.
Admissions: 715-907-8374