Comprehensive Workers' Compensation Programs

Your Workers' Compensation Solution 

PAM Health's network of hospitals includes long-term acute care and rehabilitation. We also have extensive experience in handling workers' compensation cases and understand the need for frequent and open communication.


To learn more, please click on the links below or call us.

Specialized Programs:

Ekso Robotic Exoskeleton - a valuable rehab tool

Advanced Rehabilitation Therapies - Groundbreaking Robotics Program

Specialized Wound Care Program

Outpatient Rehabilitation Services

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) - outpatient

Work Injury Recovery - outpatient

Limb Salvage Program - outpatient

Success Stories

Meet Captain Albert Capistran - Workers' Comp First Responder Success Story

Meet Laura Hernandez - WC Traumatic Injury Success Story

Meet Amilcar Ramirez - WC Incredible Story of Survival


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Workers Comp Specialized Programs

First Responders

Warehouse & Factory Workers

Healthcare Employees

Transportation  Industry

Virtual Tours - Learn More About Our Hospitals

PAM Health Specialty Hospital of Sarasota

PAM Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Tulsa

PAM Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Sugar Land

PAM Health Rehabilitation Hospital of El Paso