Florida Pricing Transparency – Sarasota

  • PAM Health has seven (7) business days from receipt of patient’s request to provide estimate of costs.
  • You have the right to request a personalized estimate of your costs (charges) from the hospital. The hospital’s phone number can be found on this Web page.  When you call, ask for: Patient Financial Services.
  • PAM Health requires payment for services not covered by insurance. If you are unable to make a payment, you may contact your case manager to review alternate payment options, including a payment plan. It is PAM Health’s policy to work with families to understand their coverage. When applicable, the Director of Case Management/designee shall facilitate the Medicaid application process, and you or your designee are responsible for completing state-specific financial disclosure forms for medical assistance eligibility.

If you cannot afford even a small payment, you may apply for a partial or complete cancellation of your debt (“charity care”) before services are rendered.  If you cannot pay your balance after you receive services, and do not apply for charity care before services are rendered, your account will be subject to our collection process, which includes statements, letters and phone calls during the first five (5) months after you receive your services, with possible transfer of your account to a collection agency after five months without a payment. If – at any time during the collection process – you demonstrate that you are unable to pay due to financial hardship, you may apply for Charity Care at that time.

  • PAM Health contracts with the physicians and providers below to provide medical services within the hospital.

Physician List (pdf format)

The physicians and providers listed above are independent practitioners and may bill separately from PAM Health, either to you or to your insurance company. The physicians involved in your care may or may not participate with the same health insurers or HMOs as PAM Health. Upon request we will provide you with a list of physicians who may be involved in your care. To determine whether a particular physician participates as a network or preferred provider with your health insurer, you will need to contact each physician or physician group directly. In addition, you may request a more personalized estimate of their charges or any other information you may need.

  • Our hospital contracts with the health plans listed below. Patients are encouraged to contact their health plan directly for information regarding anticipated cost sharing responsibilities.
  • Click on the name of the plan to go directly to their website.
Alignment Healthcare Nevada, LLC
America’s Choice Provider Network
Berkley Care Network (BCN)
Blue Cross & Blue Shield Florida
Clear Spring Health
Corvel Healthcare Corporation
Evolutions Healthcare Systems
Fortified Provider Network
Friday Health Plans
Humana Health Plan
Humana Military
Palm Beach ACO PBACO
Prime Health Services Inc.
Procura Management Inc
Provider Network of America PNOA
Sunshine State Health Plan, Inc
United Healthcare 
United Veterans Affairs Community Care Program
USA Managed Care Organization Inc
Velocity National Provider Network
Wellcare of Florida Inc

The information presented here is not intended to be legal, health, medical or professional advice but merely conveys general information.